Liz Glover Wilson | The heART of a Liberated Life

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Day 7 - Who is in charge of your life? - 7 Days of Spiritual Practice

Sadhana - Day 7 of Spiritual Readings with Liz Glover Wilson

Dear Seeker,

Thank you for being here. For opening your heart to the possibility of living a fully liberated life.

I too am on this journey, and I know how many distractions, disappointments and discouraging obstacles come into the path.

I hope to encourage you to stay steady. To keep a daily habit of the contemplative practice. I encourage you to keep seeking. The Divine God knows the heart and intention.

When our intention is honorable - it will be blessed.

Many blessings to you.

A Seeker
Daughter of the Divine
The Beloved EliSheva

Contemplative Practice:

In the contemplative practice, we continue each day to be still and find the knowing. To surrender our ego and our stuff, and just come into the BEing we are.

Who is in charge of your life?:

Today’s practice.

Pause and Be Still
As I enter prayer and the contemplative practice, I pause to be still; to breathe slowly; to re-center my scattered senses upon the presence of the Divine. May myself be guided by the greater Self/God.

Today, we break through limiting beliefs, we focus on our breath, and the earth around us. In this beauty of surrender we tap into the knowing that we are exactly where we are supposed to be. Sitting in the stillness of divine. In this moment of the contemplative practice, we are not influenced by our external circumstances but instead we are focused on the light.

For me, my ‘true-north’ (my daily focus0 is a Christ-consciousness; rooted deeply in my love for the Christ that I have developed since I was 7 years old. It is a focus on a love journey; to love the self, and look toward the Self to find freedom—liberation.

When we are in these moments of contemplation, we are in charge of our breath and our focus, and . . .our life.

So often we walk away from our practice and immediately allow the outside influences to bully us into being who we are not.

Today, we free ourselves from that cycle. Even if we have to proclaim this freedom everyday for many years, let it be.

We practice the silent OM, and we let it vibrate in our hearts. We are eternal and look to the higher Self (God, Divine) to guide our path while we travel - as a seeker - through this life journey.

Those in whose hearts OM reverberates
Unceasingly are indeed blessed
And deeply loved as one who is the Self.
The all-knowing Self was never born,
Nor will it die. Beyond cause and effect,
This Self is eternal and immutable.
When the body dies, the Self does not die.
(Katha Upanishad)

Rewrite your story!

Did you write your personal mantra? I share with you again, and encourage you to do this. For me, it has been life changing. Here is mine. Feel free to use it, personalize it or make your own.

I am the beloved (YOUR NAME)
Reflection of the Divine
I am LOVE unconditional
I am chosen and precious
The Divine is pleased with my authentic self
I trust the Divine

Yielding Prayer

I trust that Divine Power is working in my life right now at this moment.

Seventh Chakra:

We focus on the affirmations of this chakra today, and anytime we need healing in this area of our life.