Day 5 - Walk with Divine - 7 Days of Spiritual Practice

Sadhana - Day 5 of Spiritual Readings with Liz Glover Wilson

It was a hot Summer day, and I could feel the stickiness of the humidity between my shirt and body. I had no real time limits that day, so I just allowed myself to wander. I hummed a song, and studied the way the shadows danced and moved. Was there a breeze? Wow!

The grass smelled so lovely and the trees seemed to strike a pose as I walked by. I had been down this road before, but that day it felt like paradise. There was peace in my soul and peace all around. It was a walk with Divine.

Below are some ways you can curate your walk with divine.

  • Savor the Scenery

  • Wander the Wilderness

  • Meditate on the Music

  • Pose in Paradise

  • Study in the Sunshine

  • Pack a Picnic

  • Sleep Beneath the Stars

  • Simmer in a Spring

Spending time with nature—practice listening to Mother Earth and you will be sure to encounter divine revelations that can be life changing.

Contemplative Practice:

In the contemplative practice, we seek for ways to find the answers within our souls. Walking in nature is a powerful way to come into the practice in any season—anywhere.

Walk with Divine:

Today’s practice.

Pause and Be Still
As I enter prayer and the contemplative practice, I pause to be still; to breathe slowly; to re-center my scattered senses upon the presence of the Divine. May myself be guided by the greater Self/God.

The yoga texts say it is wise to spend time in the company of noble people. How does one become noble? You will know by how they listen and what words they speak. Are they joy? Do they speak life and abundance?

Nobility comes through affiliation. Your daily walk with Divine is the practice that increases your vibration.

It’s time to change your vibration one daily spiritual practice at a time.

I mentioned in a previous post that what you hear, what you say, and what you think creates an energy, a vibration. If we give ourselves the (daily) time to connect with our divine nature, we embody this beauty.

I have said it before, I will say it again—YOU ARE DIVINE!

Walk with divine!

Listen as you walk. Write about it. Share it. This is an exercise for your throat chakra—a powerful energetic tool.

Proverbs 15:1 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but hard words stir up anger.”

The Proverbs also say that life and death are in our words.

“The tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire. And among all the parts of the body, the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself” James 3:3-6

Yielding Prayer
by a South African Poet, Robert Gresak

Standing each alone,
are still as stone
and like babes, innocent.
Summoned by an ingenious mind
they are a thunderous mob
inflamed with violence
in the hands of a gentle master
they are as sheep browsing
on a lovely hillside
permeating the air with deep peace.

Words can truly a life make-or break,
bring hope and comfort or cause one to forsake
enduring values for the transient.

Look therefore to your daily speech,
let your words convey kindness and wisdom.
Watch and guard the tongue against irritation,
slay the devil of vexation.

Fifth Chakra:

We focus on the affirmations of this chakra today, and anytime we need healing in this area of our life.
