A Personal Story

Some of you may have noticed my extended absence from the studio. I am back and am very much looking forward to teaching and interacting with you all again very soon. I first wanted to share my personal story with you. 

Two years ago, after an emergency visit to the hospital, I was told I had a tumor. The doctors said it was a Lipoma; a fatty tumor that is usually benign. Lipomas are common in certain gene pools and mostly found under the skin. However, for me - the challenge was it was inside of my body, which is rare. On top of that, it was very large; making it more probable to have cancer cells and way more difficult to remove.

This news all came into play just as the doors were opening for me to walk into my dharma (destiny) and open a wellness center. As we all know, nothing like this happens at the 'right time' because it is never the right time for such bad news. 

My surgeon wanted to watch the growth pattern of the tumor, so the journey began. I ventured into the beginning stages of building Stone Wave and simultaneously, I had to walk the path of faith, trust and patience as I waited for the right time to have surgery. 

The past two years have been a deep test of my faith, and I am grateful. I leaned on my faith, yoga and the love around me to keep me encouraged and focused. Each day, when fears would come, I would focus on the present; all the goodness and love in my life. I do believe that joy is medicine to our hearts and bodies.

Today, I am happy to report that I am tumor free. The results showed that there  are no cancer cells at all. Hallelujah! I am still recovering post-surgery, but every day I am stronger and grateful. I recognize that not everyone is so blessed to get this level of good news, and feel incredibly humbled.

I do believe that healing is possible for all of us and for all of us - it manifests differently. For me, I have my faith and my daily prayer. I have my meditation and movement. I have my diet, which has been incredibly healing. I have been mainly eating an Ayurvedic-inspired plant-based diet and some fish. I also have been enjoying healing teas, nutrient rich smoothies and lots of water which have been helping the restoration process.

Rest is my best friend and . . . speaking of friends, the encouragement and love of my family and close friends have gotten me through the worst of it all. Laughter has also played a huge role in keeping my spirit joyful.

I know that many of us suffer from various ailments. For so many, our struggle and pain is not always obvious to those around us. So I encourage you to stay strong and know your body, mind and spirit are capable of so very much.  

You are loved. You are light. You are sushine. . . and I am (extremely)  blessed to know each one of you
and grateful to have you ALL in my life


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