Self-Care: Exploring the 5 Layers - Our Energy Body - Part 2

Self-Care: Exploring the 5 Layers
Liz Glover Wilson
Our Energy Body - Part Two

I have heard a lot of people talk about how "heavy" the energy feels lately. It is really hard to tap into the news, for example, and not feel sad, or short of breath. Parents and teachers are feeling a "weight" about the opening of schools. Business owners watch their bank accounts struggle. The list goes on . . .of things that are just making us feel off balance.

Maybe your energy is perfectly balanced, but I would guess that most of us need this daily check in with our mind/emotions, wisdom/spiritual self, physical self, energy/social self and our highest self.
This week, we continue to use the Pancha Koshas (five sheaths) as I guide you through this five part series.

The Sanskrit name for the second “kosha” or sheath of the body is said to contain prana (energy). This is the vital sheath that animates life and unites the body and mind.


Okay, let's review the second of the five sheaths Pranamaya kosha 

Right now, notice your breath.

REALLY notice your breath.

Are taking slow full breaths or find your breath shallow or, maybe you just noticed you were sort of holding your breath? How often do you notice this throughout your day?

Let's tap into the elements that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Breath and prana (life force energy).

Here is a three-step realignment. Let's set sometime aside for some self-care.

1) Take a MOVING meditation: hike, walk or run (maybe even a cycle)
We talk a lot about meditation in the context of sitting still. 
For this exercise, if you are able, I invite you to move for up to one hour. 
Connect your body and breath as you move.
Focus on the connection between your body and breath.
See what comes up for you.

2) Take time to balance the Chakras (energy centers) 
Now grab a pen and paper. Before we start to balance Chakras, we first need to really feel them. That is why we do the physical practice first. Now, ask yourself these questions from

  1. What am I afraid of? This is the question of the root chakra, which is all about existential worry and anxiety. Ask this if you feel the tension in your legs, perineum, lowest point of the back, or a general muscle and structural tension.

  2. What is it that I don’t allow myself to feel? This is the question of the sacral chakra, which is all about suppression and the fear of being our natural self. Ask this if you feel a contraction in the pelvis, genitals, lower abdomen and lower back.

  3. What is the pressure I can’t contain? This is the question of the solar plexus chakra, which is all about the inability to cope with pressures and demands, also self-induced ones like “I must be,” “I should be,” “I should have become,” and “I need to push myself more.” Ask this if you feel the pressure in your upper abdomen, digestive system, or middle back.

  4. What expectation do I hold onto? This is the heart chakra question, which is all about our emotional dependency on others’ recognition and love and the expectations that follow. Ask this if you feel the tightness in the area of the chest, shoulders, upper back, or hands.

  5. What don’t I express? This is the question of your throat chakra, which is all about everything we feel we should give voice to and yet do not release from within ourselves, sometimes because we don’t allow ourselves to admit it even to ourselves. In the fifth chakra’s case, even acknowledging what we hide away can be a sort of a release. Ask this if you feel the stuckness in the throat, neck, mouth, or jaws.

  6. What do I refuse to see? This is the question of the third eye chakra, which is all about overlooking when we don’t want to see reality as it is and to face and accept it. Ask this question if you feel the tension in your forehead, eyes, head, or ears.

3) Now Balance

First Step: Connect to the feeling
Second Step: Breathe into the Chakra 
Third Step: Perceive the form
Fourth Step: Expand the sensation

For full explanation of the above balancing, check out article HERE


Take time this weekend to add a new sacred daily routine to your life.
Daily Check In Your heart center
There is a proverb that says "Guard your heart with all vigilance, for from it are the source of life. If you struggle to open yourself up to love then you could be suffering from a blocked heart chakra. Place your hand - palm facing the body - on your heart center. Now, place your other hand right on top. The heart chakra may become blocked due to negative love experiences and unhealthy relationships, among other things. Speak positive to your heart.

  1. My heart space radiates powerful green light

  2. I am worthy of the purest love

  3. I direct love and light towards myself

  4. I live in harmony with all other beings

  5. I release and let go of all resentment

  6. I forgive myself for my mistakes and I grow from them

  7. There is an infinite supply of love

  8. I am fully open to giving and receiving love

  9. I love myself unconditionally

  10. My heart is open

Take time this weekend to work on some re-balancing. If you have questions, or want ideas feel free to email me at

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